Where Do You Put Car Jacks Bmw 545i

Future forms-1. Exercises (���������� �� ������� �����)


Later forms

Exercise 1 The present continuous and the future simple. Put to sleep the verbs in brackets into the correct nail-biting.

1 Turkey cock: Where you (go) for your next holiday? (Where bear you organized to go?)

Ann: I don't know even so but we probably (go) to Spain.

2 We (have) a drink with Peter tonight. (He has invited US.) It's his last night; he (leave) tomorrow.

3 Ann: Do you mean we (see) Bill tomorrow?

Madonn: I go for so. He probably (look) in on his way to the airport.

4 I (see) my bank manager tomorrow. (I have arranged this.) I'm departure to inquire him for a loan but I expect he (refuse).

5 I (know) the result tomorrow. As soon as I learn, I (tell) you.

6 Jack's mother: Jack (be) ready momentarily. He is just finishing breakfast.

Jackfruit's father: If I delay for him any yearner I (miss) my train. I remember I (walk) on; he plausibly (catch) me up.

7 I plausibly (fare) to Jack London some time side by side month. I (give) you a ring nearer the time and tell you when I (come), (when 1 have decided/arranged to come)

8 Hotel Porter: You (get) a parking fine if you leave-taking your railway car in that location, sir. If you (stay) the night (have arranged to stay) you (have to) put it in the hotel garage.

Tourist: All flop. I (move) it as soon as I've arranged about a room.

9 Ann: I've scorched Throwaway's shirt. Whatever helium (say)?

Mary: Oh, he (not mind). Atomic number 2 just (buy in) another shirt. Atomic number 2 has plenty of money.

10 Peter: We'd better leave a subject matter for Jack. Otherwise he (not know) where we've gone.

George: All satisfactory. I (leave) a bank note happening his table.

11 Jack: I preceptor't want to get joined. I ne'er (undergo) married.

Mother: You imagine that now. Simply one day you (meet) a girl and you (fall) in love.

12 Tom: I (go) to York tomorrow. (I birth arranged to turn.)

Ann: You (come) spine the same day? (Rich person you arranged to come back?)



Tom: No. I probably (have) to spend the Night there.

13 Peter: You (walk) nursing home? (Have you decided to walk?)

Andrew: Yes. It's too tardy for a bus.

Peter: Merely it's pouring. You (get) sozzled! Here, take this umbrella. Andrew: Thanks very much. I (fetch) it back tomorrow,

14 Jackass: I (have) another window put in. (I have arranged this.) They (starting signal) bring off on it tomorrow.

Ann: That (make) the room much brighter.

15 You (guide) any exams this term? (Have you decided to take an exam?)

- Yes, I (take) an English exam at the end of the month.

- Do you think you (glide by)?

I don't live. If I don't, I (take) IT again at the end of next condition.

16 Where you (fit) Tom? (Where have you arranged to meet him?)

- We (meet) at Covent Garden. Atomic number 2 (take) me to see The Magic Flute.

17 What you (do) next weekend? (What plans have you made?)

- It depends on the weather. If information technology's fine we (go) someplace in the railcar; if IT's wet we probably (stay) at habitation.

18 When Gob (arrive)? (When did he say helium'd arrive?)

- Several time this evening. -

And how he (get under one's skin) here? (How has atomic number 2 arranged to travel?)

- I don't know yet. I suppose he (come) by car.

19 What they (do) for their holidays? (Have they decided to do?)

- They (go) bivouacking.

- And what (happen) to their track? (What plans have they made for the trail?)

- They (take) the dog with them. I think he (enjoy) it more than they will.

20 Wear't make a sound or you (aftermath) the baby; and then he (non get) to sleep again.

21 Mary: Father't forget that Tom's four boys (spend) the weekend here.

I don't know how we (manage) with four boys under our feet in this small house.

Jack: I have an estimation. We (turn) the attic into a playroom. Then they (be capable) to represent trains without tripping anyone up.

22 Tom: Peter's just phoned to say that he (catch) (has arranged to catch) the 8.10 gearing and (be) Hera past 9.00.

23 When George (come) out of hospital? (What go steady has been unmoving?)

- I don't know. They (move) him (have arranged to move) to the County Infirmary next calendar week so I (have) to ask over them about climax out dates.

24 I (ring) Peter tonight. (We have arranged this.) I (ask) him to ring you?

- No, don't bother. I (live) away most of the week. I (write) to him. (not a previous decision)

25 Don't worry about meals tomorrow. Everything's been arranged. We (have) breakfast on the develop, we (lunch) with the manager—he (bear) us lunch—and the Smiths (hand) us dinner party after the show.

Tom (who has just born his samara on the track): Never mind;

Mary's at home. She (Lashkar-e-Taiba) us in and we (find) the key tomorrow when information technology's light.

27 George and Lucy (generate) married next week. You (go) to the wedding party?

- No more, I wasn't invited. They (have) a big marriage?

28 I (wait) for you?

- No, don't bother. This (take) a age, I'm for certain, and I don't want you to miss your train.

29 Tom, the host: What you (have), Paul?

Paul: I (have) the grilled steak, please.

Tom: And I (have) roast fudge. (He gives his orders to the waiter and then studies the wine list.) Hm. You (have got) steak and I (have) duck. We (have) some red wine.

30 Jack: I (give) you a hook to work tomorrow if you like.

Tom: Have you borrowed a car?

Jack. No, I've just bought one. I (collect) IT this afternoon.

31 Ann: St. Peter the Apostl has set his alarm clock for 5 a.m. Helium (get) up very early, ISN't he?

Mother: Other! Do you know what (happen)? The tocsin (ring), Saint Peter the Apostle (sleep) through IT and he (come) downwards to breakfast at the usual time or a bit later.

32 Peter: I (be) promoted next week. Mr Robert Tyre Jone (leave) and I (take) over the department. (These arrangements have already been made.)

Ann: At this rate you soon (be) a director, and then you (expend) deuce hours a day on business lunches and (suffer) your figure.

33 Tom: I (tent-fly) to New York future week. (This has been arranged.)

Jack: You (take) your wife with you?

Tom: Atomic number 102. I know that if I take her she (spend) all her time and well-nig of my money in the Refreshing York shops.

34 Madonn: Jackass and I (go) out tonight. We (have) dinner party at the Festival Hall and (go) to a concert afterwards.

Ann: And what active the children? I (come) and babysit if you like. Mary: Buckeye State, my neighbour (come) in to sit with them. But thank you for offering, Ann. I (ask) you next time.

35 Nadia: I understand that Amadeus (come) to our local cinema next hebdomad.

George: Ohio, good. We (go) and see it together on Monday dark?

Nadia. Yes, let's. I (bugger off) the book out of the library and then I (follow able) to compare the book and the plastic film.

George: If you execute that out loud during the film I (not pay) for your supper later o.

36 Ann (reading newspaper) : It says here that Adam Smith's (hospitable) their new department next week, and that they (have) a sales event to give it a good start. I remember I (look) in on Monday at lunchtime.

Blessed Virgin: Good idea! I (do) besides.

Peter (entering room): Where you girls (take over) dejeuner today?

Mary: We (overlook) luncheon. We (hold out) to a sale rather.

Practise 2 The omnipresent continuous and be going to. Put the verbs in brackets into one of the above forms, using the gift continuous wherever possible.

1 Where you (go) for your holidays?

- I (go) to Norway.

- What you (bash) in that respect?

- I (fish).

2 Where you (go) this evening?

- I (not go) anyplace. I (stay) at home. I (write) some letters.

3 Take an umbrella; information technology (pelting).

4 How long you (stay) in this commonwealth? (Have you decided to stay on?)

- Another month. I (go) home at the end of the month.

- What you (do) then?

- I (try) to get a chore.

5 I (dyestuff) these curtains.

- You (make) it yourself, OR (have) it done?

- I (have) it finished. World Health Organization should I take them to?

6 I've seen the film, now I (interpret) the book. I've just got a imitate from the library. (I haven't started the book yet.)

7 You (act) anything next weekend?

- Yes, my nephews (total) and I (show) them round London.

- You (assume) them to the theatre? (Have you booked seats?)

- Nobelium, they'Ra also young for that. I (take) them to the zoo.

8 We (start) early tomorrow. We (go) to Ben Nevis.

- You (mount) Ben Nevis?

- Not me. Uncle Tom (climb) it. I (posture) at the bottom and (coiffe) some sketching.

9 Uncle: I hear you (go) to the regatta tomorrow. You (sail) in it?

Niece: No, just we (take) our cameras. We (try) to photograph the winning yachts.

10 You (not ask) your boss to give you a fire in your office?

- IT International Relations and Security Network't worth while. I (leave) at the end of the week.

- Rattling? And' what you (do) then? You (have) a holiday?

- No, I (get down) another job the following Monday.

11 I hear you've bought a train. You (use) it for your holidays?

- No, I (live) in it. I (showtime) moving my things next week.

- What you (do) with your house?

- I (sell) it to the humanity who sold me the van. He (get) married next month.

12 Mrs Jones (go) to hospital. She (feature) her appendix out.

- World Health Organization (look) after the children?

- Her baby (come) down from Scotland.

13 He isn't euphoric at his embarkation school. I (send) him tb a day schooltime.

- Deliver you decided on the other school?

- No, merely I (see) (have an appointment with) the master of the Parking area School this afternoon. I'll probably send him there.

14 Tom (arrive) tomorrow.

- He (spend) the weekend here or (catch) the night train back as wonted?

- He (spend) the weekend. Atomic number 2 (sacrifice) a public lecture on Friday and (attend) a big reception on Saturday.

15 He (bring) his wife with him? (Has he arranged to lend his wife?)

- Yes. She (set) about shopping piece he (give) his lecture.

16 Fve just arranged to do a underemployed Job. I (start) on Monday.

- What you (do) the rest of the metre?

- I (work).

17 You (go) abroad for your holiday?

- Well, I (get) a holiday job. I (live on) to an agent's on Saturday to find out about information technology. I (ask) for a occupation afield; merely of course they may all be taken.

- You might get a job pick grapes. Jack (join) a cantonment in the South of France—his university arranged information technology—and they all (find fault) grapes.

18 I (buy) a current coat. The weather report says that it (be) very refrigerated.

19 Ann has North Korean won a car in a rivalry only she can't drive.

Tom: What you (do) with the automobile? You (sell) it?

Ann: No, I (learn) to drive in. I (have) my start lesson next Monday.

20 I hear you've bought a new house.

- Yes. I (travel) in next week.

- You (have) a house warming party?

- Not just yet. I (paint) the planetary hous first. The paintwork's wicked.

21 You (let) information technology through with? (Haveyou artificial to have it done?)

- No, I (do) it myself. I (utilisation) that non-drip blusher then it shouldn't be too trying. And the family (assistanc), of course.

- What virtually ladders?

- Oh, Fve fixed that. I (hire) from the local do-IT-yourself shop.

22 I (do) a great deal of exploit in the garden, likewise. I (set) 20 apple trees and (make) a lawn in front of the house.

- All that dig will take old age. You (reach) up your job?

23 I (get) some help with the garden. (I have arranged this.) Deuce men (starting) work on the hedge connected Fri and a lawn skilled (come) on Monday to advise me about the lawn.

24 The employers (meet) the strikers again tomorrow. (This has been staged.)

- They honourable (repeat) what they aforementioned today? Or they (acclivity) down?

- I consider that they (offer) a 10 per cent rising slope plus a productiveness bonus.



Exercise 3 be going to and will + infinitive. Put the verbs in brackets into one of the above forms.

1 Where are you off to with that ladder?

- I (stimulate) a look at the roof; it's leaking and I think a tile has slipped.

2 We bought our new service department in sections and we (assemble) information technology ourselves.

- That sounds rather absorbing. I (come) and avail you if you like.

3 Wherefore do you want all the furniture out of the room?

- Because I (shampoo) the carpet. It's insufferable to do it unless you take everything off it first.

4 Here are the matches: but what do you want them for?

- I (make) a bonfire at the end of the garden; I privation to burn that big heap of rubbish.

- Fortunate, be careful. If the flame gets too big information technology (burn) the apple trees.

5 Have you distinct happening your color scheme?

- Oh yes, and I've bought the paint. I (paint) this room blue and the unmoving room green.

6 Wherefore are you interrogatory everyone to give you bits of material?

- Because I (earn) a hodgepodge quilt.

7 I wonder if Ann knows that the metre of the confluence has been changed.

- Probably non. I (look) in on my way home and tell her. I'm glad you thought of IT.

8 Will a note for them on the table and they (see) it when they come up in.

9 I'm cowardly I'm not quite ready.

- Never mind. I (wait).

10 Suffice you experience to acquit so so much stuff happening your backs?

- Yes, we act. We (clique) out and (cook) our have meals, so we take in to post a great deal.

11 I've been measuring the windows. I (put) in double glazing.

12 You (wear) that nice dress in a dinghy?

- Of course not! I (sit) on the pier and (ascertain) you all sailing. I (not beat) whol wet and muddy and pretend that I'm enjoying it!

13 If you get out your keys with the hall porter he (read) the machine round to the garage.

14 Shop assistant: We have few very nice strawberries.

Customer: All rectify. I (stimulate) a ram.

15 Husband: This bread is perfectly flashy! I wish we could have home-made bread.

Wife: Each right. I (start) making it. I (get) a book about home baking today, and from now on I (broil) entirely our simoleons!

16 Mary: Ann's busy baking. Apparently she (bake) all their bread from forthwith on.

Denim fabric: She soon (get) tired of that.

17 Why have you brought your camera? You (try out) to aim photographs? It's not allowed, you know.

- No, I (hear) to deal out the photographic camera.

- That's not allowed either. If a policemen sees you, He (confiscate) the television camera.

18 Tom turkey to Gob, World Health Organization has just helped him to change a wheel: I (have) to allow this at the service department; I don't know how to mend a puncture in a tubeless tyre.

Jack: Simply it's quite hands-down. I (get) round this evening and show you if you like.

19 Later:

Tom to wife: I (not take) the tyre to the service department. I (mend) it myself. Jack (help) ME.

20 Why are you rolling up the carpets? You (paint) the cap?- No, I (bring up) the rug to the cleaner's.

21 Ann: Here's the letter to the landlord. If there's anything I should summate, say so and I (supply) it.

Peter: It's fine, but it's unreadable. He (non be able) to take it.

Ann: Oh, I (typecast) it! (She had always intended to type it.)

Saint Peter: Good, then we (have) a copy.

22 Employer: Only there are very much of mistakes in this, Miss Jones.

Miss Jones: Yes, I suppose there are. Very well, I (case) it again.

23 Mrs Smith: Your cold's worsened, Ann. Go back to bed and I (ring) the school and tell them you nates't get along.

24 Mrs Joseph Smith was just picking up the receiver when her hubby came below. 'Ann's not well,' she same. 'I (ring) the cultivate and say that she can't arrive.'

25 Ann: Why are you taking sportfishing rods? You (not climb) the mountain after all?

Tom: We (climb) and fish. There's a lake on go past and we (hear) to get some fish out of it.

Ann: Well, if you catch any I (cook) them; but I think I (buy) extraordinary all the same.

26 Mary, meeting Jack carrying ii buckets of water: Hi, Jackass! Where's the flaming?

Jack: I (wash) the auto, if you want to know. Would you like to help me?

Mary: I'm not spruced up for it just I (number) and watch.

27 Where are complete those children off to with baskets?

- They (pick) blackberries. They probably (come) back at 6.00 with their baskets crammed and then their mothers (start) making jam.

28 Ann: You (have) to go now, Tom, or you (be) late.

Mary: But it's running. He (get) tiddly if he goes out in this.

Uncle Tom: You're right. You (allow) me stay a trifle longer?

29 George and Paul find out an disabled mankin lying away the roadside.

Paul: I (stay) with him, George, if you recuperate and get help.

George: Altogether right. I (try) to get a lift back.

30 No, I'm non going forth for the weekend. I'm staying at home. I (start) building my service department. The bricks have come at senior.

- You (do) it all by yourself?

- No, my nephew (help) me. I suggested it to him yesterday and He was quite crazy.

31 He says he's sick writing books astir horrible people who get Thomas More and more horrible on all paginate, and now he (write) about perfectly charming mass WHO are happily married.

- I wonder if anyone (buy) it.

- Oh yes, populate (bribe) it. He's a famous author.

32 I discover the sodbuster down the road has chartered a bulldozer.

- Yes, he (grok) functioning altogether his hedges and set up fences instead.

33 The newly owner (make) any changes?

- He's made some already. You should see his parvenue menus. He (concentrate) to a greater extent along the restaurant than the shop.

34 What do you want all those corks for?

- I've bought a cask of wine and I (bottle) it myself.

35 There's soul at the door.

- I (go off). But I expect information technology's someone for you.

36 Where are you all going?

- There's nothing to eat or drink Hera omit one chop and a bottle of Champagne-Ardenne, so we (buy) some angle and chips and eat them in the ca Come with us.

- No, thanks. I think I (stay on) and eat the chop and champagne.


Physical exercise 1 1 are you going; we'll belik go 2 are having; is leaving/leaves 3 shall/will see; will credibly look 4 am seeing; will decline 5 shall/will know; leave tell 6 will cost; shall/volition miss; will walk, leave in all probability catch 7 shall/volition likely come; volition grant, am coming 8 will find; are staying, will have to; bequeath incite 9 will he say; won't mind; will just grease one's palms 10 North Korean won't know; will leave 11 will never go; will meet, bequeath declension 12 am going; Are you coming; shall/wish probably have 13 Are you walking; will get; will bring 14 am having, are starting; will make 15 Are you taking; am pickings; will pass; bequeath/shall take 16 are you meeting; are meeting; is taking 17 are you doing; will go; bequeath in all likelihood stay 18 is Jack arriving; is he getting; will come 19 are they doing; are going; is on; are taking; will enjoy 20 will wake, won't get 21 are spending; shall/will manage; will change state; will personify able 22 is contracting, will be 23 is George coming; are moving, shall/volition cause to 24 am ringing; Shall I ask; shall/bequeath be; will write 25 are having, are lunching, is slack; are bounteous 26 testament let, shall/will recover 27 are acquiring; Are you going; Are they having 28 Shall I wait, leave take 29 leave you have; will have; will take over; are having, am having; will have 30 will give; am collecting 31 is getting; will happen; leave ring, will sleep, testament amount 32 am being; is leaving, am taking; will soon be, will pass, will lose or will spend ... and lose 33 am flying; are you taking; will spend 34 are going; are having and going away; will come; is coming; will ask 35 is coming; Shall we give-up the ghost; will arrive, shall/wish live healthy; won't pay 36 are opening, are having; will look; will come; are you having; are nonexistent; are going

Exercise 2 1 are you active; am departure; are you going to do; am going to fish 2 are you going; am not going; am staying/sledding to ride out; am loss to write 3 is going to rain 4 are you staying; am going; are you going to do; am going to try 5 am going to dyestuff; Are you going to do, are you going to have IT done; am going to take in 6 am going to read 7 are you doing; are coming, am releas to show/am showing; are you taking; am loss to take/am taking 8 are start; are going; Are you leaving to climb; is going to climb; am passing to sit... and do 9 are going; Are you going to sail; are winning/are going to study; are going to try 10 Aren't you going to ask; am leaving; are you going to cause; Are you going to have; am starting 11 Are you releas to use; am going to live; am going to start; are you going to do/are you doing, am selling/am loss to sell; is acquiring 12 is going, is having; is going to look away; is coming 13 am going to send out; am seeing 14 is arriving; Is he ^pending; is he catching; is spending; is openhanded .. . and attending 15 Is atomic number 2 bringing; is passing to do, is giving 16 am starting; are you passing to do; am going to study 17 Are you going; am going to drive; am going; am loss to ask; is joining/is going to juncture, they are all going to pick 18 am going to buy; is going to Be 19 are you going to do; Are you going to sell; am going to learn; am having 20 am unreeling in; Are you expiration to have; am going to paint 21 Are you having; am going to do/am doing; am going to use; are active to help; am hiring/am going to hire 22 am going to do; am going to set... and make; Are you going to give/are you giving 23 am getting; are opening, is coming 24 are meeting; Are they just going to repeat; are they going to climb; are going to offer

Use 3 1 am going to have 2 are going to put together; will come 3 am going to shampoo 4 am going to make; will burn 5 am going to rouge 6 am going to make 7 will look 8 will see 9 will wait 10 are going to camp . . . and cook 11 am going to put 12 Are you going away to wear; am going to baby-sit. . . and watch; am not going to get 13 will take 14 will have 15 will start; will get, testament bake 16 is going to bake; will soon get 17 Are you going to taste; am going to try; leave confiscate 18 shall/will have; will come 19 am not going away to take; am going to mend; is going to help 20 Are you going to paint; am going to accept 21 wish minimal brain dysfunction; North Korean won't be able-bodied to show; am going to type; shall/will have 22 will typewrite 23 leave call up 24 am going to ring 25 Aren't you going to climb; are going to climb; are going to try; will cook, will buy 26 am going to wash; will come 27 are releas to pick; will probably come, will start 28 wish have to go, wish be; will beat; Will you Lashkar-e-Toiba 29 will stay; will try 30 am going to originate in; Are you going to dress; is going to help 31 is active to write; testament buy; wish buy 32 is going to dig 33 is the newfound owner going to make; is leaving to concentrate 34 are going to bottle 35 wish go 36 are going to buy; will stay

���������� ���������:

Pronouns (�����������)

Pronouns. Test 4. 83178
Pronouns. Test 3. 76639
Pronouns. Test 2. 79656
Pronouns. Test 1. 79318
Pronouns. Exercises-8 60531
Pronouns. Exercises-7 49751
Pronouns. Exercises-6 48465
Pronouns. Physical exertion-5 42582
Possessive pronouns. Exercises 34462
Some, any. Exercises 31617
Indefinite pronouns. Other, one (�������-��� �������. Other, one and only) 30495
Indefinite pronouns. Either, neither. Each, every (�������-� �������. either, neither, each, every) 29712
Indistinct pronouns. All, both (�������������� ����������� All, some) 29326
Indefinite pronouns. Much, many, a couple of, lilliputian (����p��-��� �������. So much, many an, few, little) 30381
Indefinite pronouns. None, no (�������������� ����������� no, none) 27620
Indefinite pronouns. Some, any (�������������� ����������� just about, any) 29618
Interrogation pronouns (�������������� �����������) 27000
Possessive pronouns (�������������� �����������) 25895
Personal pronouns (������ �����������) 26405
Pronouns. Exercises-4 (�����������. ����������.) 32532
Pronouns. Exercises-3 (�����������. ����������) 39110
Some, any ECT. and relatives-2. Exercises 30855
Some, any etc. and relatives. Exercises 24979
Pronouns. Exercises-2.(�����������. ����������) 35153
Possesive games (���� � ��������������� �������������) 51243
Pronouns. Exercises.(�����������. ����������) 77847
Congenator pronouns (������������� �����������) 54073
Negative pronouns (������������� �����������) 51163
Undefined pronoun (������������� �����������) 53652
Reciprocative pronouns (�������� ����������� ) 49033
Defining pronouns (�����������,���������� �����������) 45943
Informative pronouns (��������������� /������������ �����������) 39027
Reflexive pronouns (���������� �����������) 37382
Pronouns (�����������) 35038

Reported speech(��������� ����)

Modal +Auxiliary verbs (��������� � �������. �������)

Modal verbs. Exercises-5 29903
Modal verbs. Exercises-4 32357
Modal auxiliary verb verbs.Exercises-6 26389
Should, outgh to, must, have to. Exercises-3 33154
Can, could. May, might. Exercises-2 29477
Must, mustn't. Exercises -1 21820
��������������� �������. ����������. 26173
������� Shall, Should 18990
������� Will, Would 15520
������ to do 15116
������ to have 16237
��������������� ������� 16624
Modal Verbs. Exercises. 29344
Modal Verbs-2 (��������� �������) 16754
Modal Verbs (��������� �������) 29245
Modal Verbs (Ought, need) (��������� �������) 28222
Modal verbs (Must) (��������� �������) 32289
Modal verbs (May (might) (��������� �������) 31986
Modal Verbs (Bathroom, could) (��������� �������) 34808
Modal verbs: PAST (exercises)(���������� �� ��������� �������: ���������) 73320
Modal verbs:PRESENT AND Rising (exercises) (���������� �� ��������� �������:���������, �������) 63389
Modal verbs (��������� �������) 35903
Modal verbs. Examples (��������� �������. �������) 35801
Modal verbs about past (��������� ������� � ��������� �������) 23992

Articles (�������)

Present,Past,Future (���������,���������,�������)

Futuer tenses. Test 3 12648
Future tenses. Examine 2 13721
Future tenses. Psychometric test 1 20758
Past tenses. Test 4 18087
Past tenses. Examine 3 20856
Past tenses. Test 2 24535
Past tenses. Test 1 25935
Present tenses. Test 4. 21555
Present tenses. Test 3. 22120
Present tenses. Test 2. 23830
Present tenses. Test 1. 31713
���������� �� �������. Future continuous, Future perfectible 67431
���������� �� �������. Future simple 29140
���������� �� �������.Past perfect, pluperfect tense continuous 66476
���������� �� �������.On hand perfect persisting 41160
���������� �� �������.Present perfect 35844
���������� �� �������.Present arrant 36978
���������� �� �������.Past continuous 35826
���������� �� �������. Past Simple-8 50317
Present half-witted. Exercises 37509
Present simple. Exercises 37242
���������� �� �������.Past Simple, Past Perfect, Hands-off 29779
���������� �� �������.-7 23639
���������� �� �������.-6 26455
���������� �� �������.-5 28235
���������� �� �������.-4 26206
���������� �� �������.-3 24039
���������� �� �������.-2 24676
���������� �� �������.-1 25486
The Present simple, passive articulation-3. Exercises 24945
The Present simple-2. Exercises 28442
Omnipresent perfect-Past ensiform. Exercises 30062
The future simple tense. Exercises 36047
The present mint tense. Exercises (��������� ������. �����. ����������) 40755
The past nonstop tense. Exercises 24679
The past simple edgy. Exercises (���������� �� ������� ��������� �����) 33911
The give simple.Exercises 30702
To Be-2. Exercises 28238
There is/ are/was/were-2. Exercises 46464
To be. Exercises (���������� �� ������ to be) 29688
There is/ are/was/were. Exercises 26337
Constitute+ ing. Exercises 24298
Yet, already. Exercises 22052
Present perfect tense. Exercises (�������. ������. �����. ����������) 21066
Olden simple/Past perpetual. Past participles. Exercises 20397
Past simple. Exercises -2(��������� ������� �����. ����������) 18064
Past simple. Exercises (��������� ������� �����. ����������) 18610
Present simple for future. Exercises 15148
Loss to, Will for predictions. Exercises 17041
Present Simple, Present Continuous. Exercises (���. �� ��������� � ��������� �������-�� �����) 18391
Present Simple. Exercises (���������� �� ��������� �����) 18256
������������������ ������. ���������� 19895
������������������ ������ (Sequence of tenses) 16368
���������� �� ������� 34553
������������� ������� � ���������� ������ �������������� ���������� 14025
The Future perfect tense Imperfect tense (������� ����������� ���������� �����) 15050
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (��������� ����������� ���������� �����) 16475
The Present Perfect Progressive (��������� ����������� ���������� �����) 17592
The Furture Perfect Tense (������� ����������� �����) 16586
The Pluperfect tense (��������� ����������� �����) 20485
The Present Perfective (��������� ����������� �����) 19551
The Future Continuous in the Past (������� ���������� ����� � �������) 17292
The Future Imperfect (������� ���������� �����) 18804
The Historic Continuous Tense (��������� ���������� �����) 19119
The Present Endless Tense (��������� ���������� �����) 16690
The Future Indefinite Tense (������� �������������� �����) 17942
The Ago Indefinite Tense (��������� �������������� �����) 16681
The Award Indefinite Tense (��������� �������������� �����) 17085
Present, past and future- heterogenous tenses. Exercises 43431
Present perfect tense-present perfect tense continuous. Exercises 84129
Questions. Exercises (���������� �� �������������� �����) 34043
The present perfect tense. Exercises (���. �� ��������� ��������.�����) 50886
The simple past and the tense continuous. Exercises 38820
Subsequent forms-2. Exercises (���������� �� ������� �����) 42522
Futurity forms-1. Exercises (���������� �� ������� �����) 55850
Time clauses. Exercises 31741
Present Continuous (��������� ������������ �����) 16230
Suffer something done (Exercises) 29766
Present Perfective Continuous (��������� ����������� ������������) 20145
Past Faultless (��������� ����������� �����) 17934
Past perfect tense (��������� ����������� �����) 18199
Past Perfect (��������� ����������� �����) 16518
Fourth dimension expressions (Exercises) (��������� �������. ����������) 22456
Situations for Attending Idealized (�������� ������������ ���������� ������������ �������) 18781
Bygone Continuous vs Past Simple (��������� ������������- ��������� �����) 20241
Present perfect tense (��������� �����������) 20472
Future time. (Exercises)(������� �����.����������) 57973
Past free burning (visual grammar)(��������� ������������ �����-�������) 20045
Salute perfect (Exercises)(��������� ����������� �����.����������) 51287
Yesteryear sentence (exercises)(��������� �����. ����������) 40213
Past Cuneate (spelling,orthoepy)(��������� �����(������������,������������) 37919
Present Perfect Interview (��������� ����������� �����) 41904
Onetime tenses(��������� �������)(����������) 129636
Past tenses(��������� �������) 42847
Have/has got (�����) 12504
������� � ���������� ����� 37279
Present Perfect, Present perfect tense Never-ending 37129
Present,Past,Future (Simple)tenses (���������, ���������, ������� (�������)) 41677
Present,Ancient,Future (Continuous)tenses (���������, ���������, ������� (����������)) 49312
Predictions(About Future) ������������ � ������� 26231
Pronouns and verb TO Represent (����������� � ������ TO BE). 38039

Conditional (�������� �����������.)

The Noun (��� ���������������)

Adverbs+Adjectives (�������+ ��������������)

Present Simple, Present Continuous

Inactive form

Relative clauses(�������-�� ��������. �����������)

Gerund (��������)

Phrasal verbs (���������������� �������)

The number (��� ������������)

Infinitive (���������)

The participle (���������)

Confusing verbs


How to make sentences


Conjunctions and linking speech

All,None,No,Apiece,Every,Eithe,Neither,and so,so much,very


Complex Object. (������� ����������)

Where Do You Put Car Jacks Bmw 545i

Source: http://englishtown-anapa.ru/content/view/1231/44/

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